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Yeni Focus ST - Test Video - Dağılalım ST geliyor !
Yakup Ç. A. bir konu gönderdi. Kategori: Focus ST & RS
Dağılıyoruz çünkü ST geliyor..... Bir dönüşte arka sol tekerin sabit kalıp etrafında dönmek ve o ıslak zeminde S yapmak isteyen var mı ? 1080p izlemeniz tavsiyedir FOCUS ST'S TWO DRIVEN WHEELS At this time of year, performance car fans may wonder how the hot new Ford Focus ST will cope with wet and icy winter conditions. With 250PS fed through the front two wheels, they may even think the ST will be best left in the garage over the festive period...but then they wouldn't have considered the ST's smart chassis technologies. The Focus ST's enhanced Torque Steer Compensation (TSC) system allows drivers to accelerate at full throttle and yet still find grip on roads with uneven surfaces or uneven levels of grip, while the Enhanced Torque Vectoring Control imperceptibly applies brake torque to the inner wheel of the ST during cornering for the best possible traction. In addition, further enhancements to the Electronic Stability Programme (ESP) put the emphasis on driver enjoyment with three different settings. The standard mode supports the driver on all surfaces, whether dry, wet or snowy, giving them confidence to drive safely regardless of the weather. They can also choose 'wide-slip' mode where the driver takes care of the traction, or they can turn it off completely for ultimate driver control. So next year, new Focus ST drivers may even be able to add some fun into their winter driving thanks to its advanced sports technologies... and what better Christmas present is there than that for performance car fans!
Focus Club Türkiye
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