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Römork Çekme Adına Yapılan Çalışmalar - Yeni Donanım
Yakup Ç. A. bir konu gönderdi. Kategori: Ranger
Ford'dan bir donanım haberi geldi Römork ile ilgili... Açılımı ; Trailer Sway Control EK OLARAK, Daha güvenli çekme için ipuçları; Römork çekme aracı hem de aracınızın lastik basınçları ve ışıklarını kontrol edin Römork yükü; doğru, dengeli ve güvenli olduğundan emin olun Sürüş koşullarına uyacak şekilde aracınızın hızını azaltın Şerit değiştirirken ve keskin virajlı müzakere sırasında ekstra özen gösterin Resimler; İng Basın Açıklaması Towing is popular with millions of European drivers, especially during peak holiday months. However, hitching a load to the back of a vehicle does bring additional risks. “Trailer sway” – a phenomenon where the trailer swings from side to side and compromises vehicle control – can cause serious accidents if left unchecked. The challenge is knowing what to do to nip it in the bud and when to do it. “For the inexperienced, towing can be a daunting experience,” said Guy Mathot, supervi- sor, ESC and Handling, Ford of Europe. “You have to adapt your driving technique and pay attention to your speed, but even then weather conditions or the actions of other road users can sometimes lead to trouble. For such cases we have developed Ford’s Trailer Sway Control technology to assist the driver.” While technology provides an added layer of security, it’s not a substitute for drivers display- ing caution when towing. Excessive speed, poorly distributed loads and improperly inflated tyres can all negatively influence the trailer stability. Weather conditions such as slick roads and crosswinds are also factors. “Once the trailer starts to sway, it can very quickly escalate and – unless the appropriate actions are taken – cause a loss of control,” Mathot said. “If you are driving above a certain speed, the swaying can increase.” To help give drivers additional confidence and control while towing, Ford offers Trailer Sway Control on the Ford Kuga, as well as on the all-new Ford Focus, C-MAX and Grand C-MAX (when fitted with an optional Ford tow bar), and the new Ford Ranger. “We are rolling Trailer Sway Control out on a lot of our new vehicle lines,” Mathot said. “It is part of the Electronic Stability Control system and uses information from the ESC sensors – such as yaw, acceleration and steering angle. The ESC system monitors these parameters anyway, so it makes sense that we should use this information to look out for and react to trailer sway as well.” Trailer Sway Control continuously monitors the yaw rate of the vehicle and compares this to the steering angle. If swaying is detected without appropriate driver input, the vehicle is designed to react accordingly to correct the instability. “If it detects a situation where it needs to intervene, Trailer Sway Control is designed to make brake and engine interventions based upon the sway severity and lateral movements caused,” Mathot said. For moderate sway, the front brakes will engage in a left-right alternating pattern to generate a yaw movement in the vehicle that counteracts the trailer sway. For more severe sway, engine torque is reduced to zero and brake pressures are applied to all four wheels in order to reduce the vehicle’s speed below the trailer’s critical speed. Of course, these systems aren’t the only way Ford can assist drivers who tow. Rear view cameras – available in Fiesta, C-MAX, Grand C-MAX, Kuga, Mondeo, S-MAX, Galaxy, Transit and the next Ranger – can be a big help when hooking up to your trailer. Prior to launch, all Ford vehicles go through rigorous real-life testing to ensure they can cope with the demands towing places on the engine and clutch – offering extra peace of mind all round if you’re hitching up the caravan for a holiday at home.-
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- tsc
- trailer sway control
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