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Ford Ranger 2011 Euro Ncap Test Sonucu ! 5 Yıldız

Yakup Ç. A.

Önerilen Mesajlar

Ford Ranger Pick-up sınıfında İLK VE TEK 5 YILDIZ alan araç oldu..

Tebrikler Ford Eline sağlık yine ilk'leri yaşatıyorsun !

Özellikle yandan direk çarpmasında beni etkiledi araç..Mükemmel bir koruma gÖstermiş..

Toplamda (%96) ise birçok binek aracı geride bırakmış focus vs dahil...

Buyrun Sonuçlar

Pdf ile:  ford-ranger-datasheet-2012.pdf





The most remarkable result this month is the Ford Ranger, the first pickup to achieve a five star rating, with impressive scores in all areas of Euro NCAP’s assessments. This third generation model was designed and engineered by Ford Australia and marks a significant improvement over the 2 star adult occupant rating of the previous Ranger in 2008. In particular, the Ranger’s 81% pedestrian score is the highest score recorded for pick-ups tested by Euro NCAP so far and therefore sets a new standard in this area. This performance is the result of a softer and well-engineered front end, absorbing the impact energy and better protecting pedestrians. Michiel van Ratingen, Euro NCAP Secretary General, says: ‘with such pedestrian protection the Ford Ranger is undoubtedly raising the bar of safety in the category of pick-up trucks, which had until now not proven to be the safest.’





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